Level 2: Gas Reservoir



The objective of this course is to show to the candidates the specificities of gas reservoirs compared to oil reservoirs in terms of characterization, fluid properties,drainage mechanism, well test interpretation and well deliverability.  



  1. Gas Reservoir identification from open hole logging

-Density and Neutron log answer


  1. Different types of gas reservoirs and gas properties

-gas condensate

-wet gas

-dry gas

-gas properties

  1. Drainage mecanisms and material balance applied to gas reservoirs

-without aquifer

-With aquifer

  1. Well test in gas reservoirs and well delivrability

-pseudo pressure concepts

-Flow after flow test

-Isochronal test

-Modified isochronal test

-skin and pseudo skin concepts in gas reservoirs

           -Fetkovitch model

           -C and n approach

           -Houpert model

          V. Applications