HSE In Oil & Gas Industry



I- Introduction

1- What does HSE mean to you ?

2- What Is Health & Safety & Environment all about

II- Objectives

III- What can go Wrong (Disasters)

IV- HSE Management System

V- Basic Principles of Management System

1. Plan

2. Do

3. Check

4. Act

VI- Standards, Procedures & HSE Reporting – Incident Reporting

VII- Machanical Hazards & Electrical Hazards

VIII- Manual Handling

1- Objectives

2- Definitions

3- Facts : Types of incidents causing injury

4- Kinetic approach

5- Guideline for load limits

6- Risk assessment

IX- Basic Fire Fighting

1- Fire hazards and risks

2- Fire definition

3- Fuels

4- Source of ignition

5- Classes of fire

6- Fire extinguishers models

7- Fire procedure – finding a fire

8- Fire procedure – fire alarm

9- Fire prevention

10- Fire safety at home

11- Fighting a fire

 X- Working At Height

1- Objectives

2- Using a ladders, portable ladders or ladder storage

3- Using a scaffolding

4- Causes of fall

5- Reduce falling consequences

XI- Slips, Trips and Falls

1- Definition

2- Cause of accidents statistics

3- Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls

4- Good working practice

5- Suggested actions

XII- Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)

1- What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?

2- Why we use personal protective equipment?

3- Maintenance and stock

4- Information, instruction and training

5- Suitability and compatibility

6- Selection criteria

7- Parts of the body to protect

8- PPE limitation

9- Site minimum requirements

10- When PPE give the required protection ?

 XIII- Hazardous Substances

1- What is Hazards Substances?

2- Ways that hazardous materials can enter the body

3- What risks do Hazardous Substances present to health

4- How does hazardous waste affect the environment?

5- Risk assessment

XIV- Permit – To – Work

XV- Hot Work Permit

1- Definition

2- Precautions

3- Equipment to be used for Hot work job

4- Fire watch

5- Summary

XVI- Process Isolation

XVII- Confined Space

1- Definition

2- Identification

3- Confined spaces hazards