Sponsorisé * Sponsorisé par une entreprise Non sponsorisé Informations personnelles Civilité * M. Mme Prénom * Nom de famille * Adresse Ville Pays Nationalité * E-mail Téléphone * Formation Formation courte - Aucun -Formation modulaire (level 1&2): Formation linguistique en anglais Fluid Mechanics Level 2: Petrophysics Basic Principles of Well TestingDrive Mechanisms and EOREnhanced Oil Recovery and WaterfloodingFormation Evaluation Using Coring, MWD, and LWD ToolsFundamentals of Physics and Chemistry applied to Reservoir FluidsGeology and Petroleum GeologyIntermediate Well Testing AnalysisIntroduction to Oil and Gas IndustryLevel 1: Cased Hole Logging Level 1: Introduction to Reservoir EngineeringLevel 1: Well TestingLevel 2: Well Testing Level 2: Cased Hole Logging Level 2: EOR and Water FloodingLevel 2: Fluid Flow in Porous MediaLevel 2: Fractured ReservoirLevel 2: Gas ReservoirLevel 2: Numerical Simulators Level 2: Open Hole Logging Level 2: Petroleum GeologyLevel 2: Petroleum Geophysics and reservoir characterization Level 2: Reservoir Fluids Properties (RFP)Level 2: Reservoir Monitoring and ManagementLevel 2: Reservoir Performance Numerical Simulators Oil and Gas for non specialistsPVT AnalysisReservoir Modeling and SimulationReservoir Rocks and Fluids PropertiesSeismic Techniques Throughout the Life of Oil & Gas ReservoirsTunisia Producing Petroleum SystemsInstrumentation pétrolièreLevel 1: Corrosion : control and preventionLevel 1: Corrosion : control and preventionLevel 1: Corrosion theory and corrosion rate calculationLevel 1: Electrical installations in ATEX area Level 1: Electrical installations in ATEX area Level 1: Maintenance management and follow-up in the Oil and Gas industry Level 1: Mechanical parts of rotating machinery, Machine Tools and weldingLevel 1: Oil & Gas Processing Level 1: Oil & Gas Processing (Hysis): Workshop Level 1: Operation and maintenance of rotating machines Level 1: Predictive maintenance techniques and vibration monitoring Level 1: Process Control , Instrumentation and Valves & Workshop Level 1: Process Piping SystemLevel 1: Production basic operations Level 1: The Fundamentals of Unconventional Reservoirs and Hydrocarbons Level 1: The surface Production Facilities Level 1: Utilities and Production facilities: complement for operators Level 1: Water treatment and InjectionLevel 2: Oil and Gas Processing and Process Control & (Hysis): Workshop Level 2: Surface Production Facilities Level 2: The Fundamentals of Unconventional Reservoirs and Hydrocarbons Level 2: The surface Production Facilities Level 2: Water treatment and Injection Oil and Gas Process Simulation : HysysOil and Gas for non specialistsOil processing Processing Operation Traitement du brut Basics of Drilling EngineeringCasing String DesignCementing Tubular TechniquesDirectional and Horizontal DrillingDrilling Fluids and Solid TreatmentDrilling for non-specialistsFundamentals of Drilling EngineeringLevel 1: Basics of DrillingLevel 1: Complements of DrillingLevel 2: Directional Drilling and Well Surveying Level 2: Wellhead and BOP and Well ControlLevel 2: Casing and cementing Level 2: Drilling 1: Pre-drilling Operations & Rig Components Level 2: Drilling 2: Drill Bits & Drilling Parameters Level 2: Drilling 4: Drilling Special OperationsLevel2: Drilling 3: Drilling fluids and solids control Oil and Gas for non specialistsStuck Pipe PreventionWell Control Automates Programmables (PLC) : Structure et programmationActivation des puitsArtificial LiftArtificial Lift SystemsArtificial liftAsset & Maintenance ManagementCapstone Design: Planning Oil & Gas Reservoirs development from A to ZControl Valves MaintenanceControle des procedes instrumentations et vannesContrôle des procédés Instrumentation et VannesCorrosion : Mécanismes et ProtectionCorrosion des installations pétrolièresEOR and Water FloodingExploitation d’hydrocarbures de roche mèreExploitation et maintenance des machines tournantsFlow AssuranceInstrumentation IndustrielleIntroduction aux Technologies de contrôle dans les installations pétrolièresIntroduction to Instrumentation and Process Control to OperatorLa reprise des puits (Workover)Les installations de production de surface & UtilitésLes opérations de base en productionLevel 1: Artificial lift Level 1: Offshore production operations Level 1: Well CompletionLevel 1: Well Completion and Well operationsLevel 1: Well operations Level 2: Artificial lift Level 2: Offshore production operations Level 2: Well CompletionLevel 2: Well Operations Level 2: Well Performance and Nodal Analysis Level 2: Well Stimulation Maintenance organization and vibration monitoring (1 day morkshop)Natural Gas Production and ProcessingNatural Gas TreatmentNumerical SimulatorsOil and Gas for non specialistsOpen Hole LoggingOperation and Maintenance of Rotating EquipementPipeline Pigging and InspectionPm optimization and Spares management for Rotating Equipment Process FacilitiesProcess InstrumentationReservoir Fluids Properties Régulation de ProcédésSlicklineSucker Rod PumpingSéparation et traitement huile, gaz et eauThe Surface Production FacilitiesUtilities and Production facilities for operatorsWell Completion and ServicingWell Performance and NODAL AnalysisWell Testing Design and AnalysisWell stimulationWells ActivationWorkover OperationsATEX TrainingBasic H.S.EClone of Level 1: First Aid Formation HSE ( 2ème session )H S E Management System for Drilling and Workover OperationsHSE au travail sur un champ pétrolierHygiène, sécurité et Environnement "H.S.E."Introduction au domaine pétrolier et fondamentaux HSELes fondamentaux du HSE pour opérateurs pétroliersLevel 1: Fire Fighting & Fire PreventionLevel 1: HSE In Oil & Gas Industry Level 2: First Aid Level 2: First Aid Level 2: HSE In Oil & Gas Industry Oil and Gas for non specialistsPremiers SecoursProtection contre la foudreTravail en milieux explosifs - Règlementation ATEXDécouverte des techniques d'exploration productionEconomics of Upstream ProjectIntrodution to Oil and Gas IndustryLevel 2: Petroleum EconomicsLevel 2: Project Management Petroleum from formation to final productsProject Management and ExecutionFormation modulaire (level 1&2): Formation linguistique en anglaisFormation modulaire (level 1&2): Formation linguistique en anglaisWell Intervention Pressure Control Certification - Level 2Well Intervention Pressure Control Certification (Level3&4) Période préférée - Aucun -N'importe quelle périodeJan - FevMar - AvrMai - JuinJuil - AoûtSep – OctNov – Dec Lieux favoris de formation Monastir Tunis Sfax Tataouine Nombre de participants Situation Professionnelle Ingénieur Technicien Opérateur Administratif Manager Autre Autre * Nombre d'années d'expérience - Aucun -0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Informations de contact Nom de l'entreprise * Adresse Personne à contacter * Civilité * M. Mme Téléphone * E-mail * CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Quel code est dissimulé dans l'image ? * Saisir les caractères affichés dans l'image. Soumettre