By the end of the course, the students will have learned how to carry out the following:
Calculate and use all the formulas given for the well control
Be familiar with IWCF formulas and kill sheets
Describe the well shut-in procedure
Describe what needs to be done if have positive kick signs/information required to fill in the kill sheet
Fill out the Kill Sheet
Describe the kill methods
Identify the BOP configuration
Known the role of each well control equipment
Describe the wellhead configuration
Identify the section/type of the wellhead
Known the wellhead setting procedure
Oil & gas Well Control
Fundamental Principles of Well Control:
Primary well control: Hydrostatic Pressure
System pressure losses
Normal & abnormal Formation pressure,
Leak-off Test Procedure
Possible and Positive Well Control (kick) Indicators
Well shut-in procedure
Shut-in Calculations: kill sheet
Kill well methods
Surface Well Control Equipment systems for Drilling wells :
Diverter System,
Annular BOP
BOP control system,
Choke Manifolds,
Kill & choke lines
Auxiliary Equipment
Mud Gas Separator,
API standard’s for well control
Wellhead System
Definition & function of a wellhead
Wellhead selection
Wellhead Components:
Casing Head Housing,
Casing Head Spool,
Casing Hanger,
Tubing Head Spool,
Overview Wellhead installation